на живо

Ромарио: Арестуваните функционери на ФИФА са плъхове

Според легендарния бразилец задържаните трябва да останат в затвора дълго време

Ромарио: Арестуваните функционери на ФИФА са плъхове

Ромарио също атакува арестуваните вчера функционери на ФИФА. Бившият бразилски национал нарече задържаните заради корупция ръководители на световната футболна централа "плъхове" чрез съобщение във Фейсбук.

"Властите в Швейцария организираха операция в дупката на плъховете и арестуваха хора с власт в световния футбол. Много от корумпираните и от крадците трябва да останат в затвора, включително и този от нашата страна. Името му е Жозе Мария Марин (бивш президент на Бразилската футболна федерация). Той е един от плъховете, които критикувам от дълго време. Той и президентът на страната Дилма Русеф приеха шефовете по време на Мондиал 2014. За съжаление не нашата полиция направи арестите. Все пак някой трябваше да стори това", пише в съобщението си Ромарио.

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Former Brazil striker Romário, who is now a senator in his homeland, has labelled the FIFA officials arrested in a US-led investigation "rats".

"Swiss authorities today carried out an operation in a rats' nest and arrested several world football authorities", Romário posted on Facebook.

"Many of the crooks and thieves who harm football were detained, including one of the biggest from our country, José Maria Marin [the former president of the CBF, the Brazilian Football Federation]. He's one of the rats I've been denouncing for a long time".

"He was one of the people who, together with Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff, received heads of state in the middle of the World Cup [in Brazil last year]", he went on. "Unfortunately it wasn't our police force that made the arrests, but someone had to do it one day", Romário added.


Former Brazil striker Romário, who is now a senator in his homeland, has labelled the FIFA officials arrested in a US-led investigation "rats".

"Swiss authorities today carried out an operation in a rats' nest and arrested several world football authorities", Romário posted on Facebook.

"Many of the crooks and thieves who harm football were detained, including one of the biggest from our country, José Maria Marin [the former president of the CBF, the Brazilian Football Federation]. He's one of the rats I've been denouncing for a long time".

"He was one of the people who, together with Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff, received heads of state in the middle of the World Cup [in Brazil last year]", he went on. "Unfortunately it wasn't our police force that made the arrests, but someone had to do it one day", Romário added.

Read more: Romário: "I've been denouncing these rats for a long time" - MARCA.com (English version)

Former Brazil striker Romário, who is now a senator in his homeland, has labelled the FIFA officials arrested in a US-led investigation "rats".

"Swiss authorities today carried out an operation in a rats' nest and arrested several world football authorities", Romário posted on Facebook.

"Many of the crooks and thieves who harm football were detained, including one of the biggest from our country, José Maria Marin [the former president of the CBF, the Brazilian Football Federation]. He's one of the rats I've been denouncing for a long time".

"He was one of the people who, together with Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff, received heads of state in the middle of the World Cup [in Brazil last year]", he went on. "Unfortunately it wasn't our police force that made the arrests, but someone had to do it one day", Romário added.

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