Всички знаем, че Сеп Блатер не бе най-обичаният президент на ФИФА. Реакцията на футболните фенове след снощната му оставка варираше от еуфория до шеги с вече бившия шеф на футболната федерация.
Ето някои от най-интересните:
#SeppBlatter nominates mysterious newcomer as successor pic.twitter.com/XvIuO2bKd7
— Laura Tisdall (@LauraTisdall) June 2, 2015
BREAKING: FBI has just announced that Lord Bendtner has been robbed off 5 Ballon D'Ors. pic.twitter.com/cv52bPvdwa
— Footy Jokes (@Footy_Jokes) June 2, 2015
Behind the scenes in Zurich... pic.twitter.com/PNd2mNAYjq
— Paddy Power (@paddypower) June 2, 2015
Scenes from the streets of Europe shortly after Blatter's announcement: pic.twitter.com/Gh3nANiJtR
— Kevin Morris (@kmmokai) June 2, 2015
Bepp Slatter to put his name forward for FIFA presidency pic.twitter.com/0c92xox5lm
— Ollie Connolly (@OllieUKEZ) June 2, 2015
Latest scenes on the streets of Zurich pic.twitter.com/Yj6qP6FBAt
— Tom Adams (@tomEurosport) June 2, 2015