Една от емблемите на НБА - Коби Брайънт, е загинал в катастрофа с частен хеликоптер в неделя сутрин. 41-годишният бивш гард на "ЛА Лейкърс" е пътувал с още четирима души, когато летателният апарат е загубил височина, разбил се е и се е запалил. Сред жертвите е и 13-годишната му дъщеря Джиана-Мария. Съобщава се, че няма оцелели.
Смъртта на петкратния шампион в НБА потопи в скръб целия свят. Колегите му не могат да повярват, че той вече не е между живите.
"Коби беше легенда на паркета и тъкмо започваше един изпълнен със смисъл втори дубъл. Загубата на Джиана, за нас като родителите е дори още по-тежка. С Мишел изпращаме своята любов и молитви на Ванеса и цялото семейство Брайънт в този немислим ден", написа Барак Обама.
Kobe was a legend on the court and just getting started in what would have been just as meaningful a second act. To lose Gianna is even more heartbreaking to us as parents. Michelle and I send love and prayers to Vanessa and the entire Bryant family on an unthinkable day.
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) January 26, 2020
Michael Jordan on the death of Kobe Bryant:
— NBC News (@NBCNews) January 26, 2020
"Words can't describe the pain I'm feeling. I loved Kobe -- he was like a little brother to me." https://t.co/6qgjdEALLY pic.twitter.com/anuzhOaNvw
this can’t be trueee!!
— Luka Doncic (@luka7doncic) January 26, 2020
This hurts no matter who you were a fan or what team you cheer for. out his family. #BlackMamba https://t.co/fZTiZ7WBep
— Charles “Buck” Arbuckle (@charlesarbuckle) January 26, 2020
Tiger and Kobe. 1996. Hug your loved ones. pic.twitter.com/ZYw0QBvJMI
— Tiger Tracker (@GCTigerTracker) January 26, 2020
View this post on InstagramI’m stunned. Words can’t even come close to describing it. Just an incredibly sad and tragic day.
View this post on Instagram
We miss you already Kobe
— Tom Brady (@TomBrady) January 26, 2020
We can never forget how precious life is. How those who are special to you and never let them forget how deeply you love them
— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) January 26, 2020
There’s no words to express the pain Im going through with this tragedy of loosing my neice Gigi & my brother @kobebryant I love u and u will be missed. My condolences goes out to the Bryant family and the families of the other passengers on board. IM SICK RIGHT NOW pic.twitter.com/pigHywq3c1
— SHAQ (@SHAQ) January 26, 2020
Devastated to hear the news on my friend @kobebryant passing. Prayers go out to his wife Vanessa and his children and the @Lakers family. pic.twitter.com/Oki9GkYEu5
— Dennis Rodman (@dennisrodman) January 26, 2020
Beyond devastated... my big brother... I can’t, I just can’t believe it
— Pau Gasol (@paugasol) January 26, 2020
I’m heartbroken by this news, you were a true legend, and friend. Rest In Peace @kobebryant, my thoughts and prayers to his wife and kids. #legend #mamba #goat pic.twitter.com/1VKYdbrVEk
— Tony Parker (@tonyparker) January 26, 2020
Президентът на САЩ Доналд Тръмп също реагира на ужасната новина с пост в профила си в "Туитър".
Reports are that basketball great Kobe Bryant and three others have been killed in a helicopter crash in California. That is terrible news!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 26, 2020
"Съобщава се, че Коби Брайънт и трима други души са загинали в катастрофа с хеликоптер в Калифорния. Това е ужасна новина", пише Тръмп.
Музикалните звезди Деми Ловато, Калид, Джъстин Бийбър и Мийк Мил бяха сред първите със съобщения в социалните мрежи.
WOW! Kobe. Such A Shock. My Condolences To His Wife And Children. Very, very sad. #KobeBryant pic.twitter.com/4UM6Vap8Dc
— Paul Stanley (@PaulStanleyLive) January 26, 2020
Everyone at our show is so saddened & shocked over the passing of Kobe Bryant. He was a father, husband, author, incredible athlete & one of the kindest guests we’ve had on our show. Please keep his family in your thoughts & remember to cherish the ones you love every single day pic.twitter.com/841PYJlvtq
— The Kelly Clarkson Show (@KellyClarksonTV) January 26, 2020