Бившият национален вратар на Унгария Мартон Фулоп почина на 32-годишна възраст. Той загуби най-голямата битка в живота си - тази с рака.
Проблемите на стража започнаха през 2013 година, когато се наложи лекарите да отстранят тумор от рамото му.
Операцията бе извършена през юни, а през февруари 2014 година Фулоп сподели, че се надява скоро да се завърне на терена. Това обаче, така и не се случи...
Фулоп носи екипа на МТК, Ельор и Шиофок в родината си, а после премина в английския Тотнъм. „Шпорите” са един от осемте клуба от Острова, за които той игра .
Everyone at the Club is saddened to hear of the passing of our former goalkeeper Marton Fulop aged 32. pic.twitter.com/JeoQPnarU7
— Tottenham Hotspur (@SpursOfficial) November 12, 2015
#lcfc extends its condolences to the family of Márton Fülöp, our former goalkeeper who has passed away, aged 32. pic.twitter.com/hkRLZh2pE3
— Leicester City (@LCFC) November 12, 2015
#SAFC are saddened to hear of the death of former keeper Marton Fulop. Our thoughts are with his family at this time pic.twitter.com/wqN2Fq9evB
— Sunderland AFC (@SunderlandAFC) November 12, 2015
The Club is deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former 'keeper, Marton Fulop. Rest in peace, Marton #itfc pic.twitter.com/Uerk2ddygH
— Ipswich Town FC (@Official_ITFC) November 12, 2015
Everyone at CCFC are saddened to hear of the passing of our former goalkeeper Marton Fulop, at the age of 32 #pusb pic.twitter.com/UYACZAy4IY
— Coventry City (@Coventry_City) November 12, 2015
We are very sorry to hear that our former player Marton Fulop has passed away. Our sincere condolences to Marton's family & friends.
— Chesterfield FC (@ChesterfieldFC) November 12, 2015
Rest in Peace Marton Fulop, one of the good guys and taken way too early. Thoughts and Love go to the Fulop family.
— Ben Foster (@BenFoster) November 12, 2015
Shocked and saddened by the news about my former team-mate Marton Fulop. RIP my friend.
— Ledley King (@LedleyKing) November 12, 2015
So sad to hear the news of Marton Fulop. Spent a lot of time with him @SunderlandAFC one of the good guys. Thoughts with his family.
— Danny Higginbotham (@Higginbotham05) November 12, 2015
RIP Marton Fulop thoughts are with his family #gkunion
— Wayne Hennessey (@WayneHennessey1) November 12, 2015